What is a Computer Network


Definition of a Computer Network: The Entire Concept

 What is a Computer Network

Computer networking is simply the creation of a computer network. A 
 computer network can be defined as a collection of computers, printers, 
 devices and other  connected devices (wired or wireless) with the  ultimate goal of supporting communication between  devices. The process  of making this connection of devices is called computer networking. 
 Technically speaking, a computer network refers to the process of transporting 
 and exchanging data between points, called nodes, transmitted over a common 
 system implemented in a computer system. The overall concept of Computer 
 Networking is not just about the design, construction and operation of a 
 network.This also includes the technical management, maintenance and operation of the associated infrastructure, software and important guidelines. 
 In computer networks; Systems, endpoints, and other devices can be connected over a local area network (LAN) or a larger network. 
 The largest networks in this case are the Internet and the large private  
 network (WAN). 
 Every stakeholder (service providers, companies and consumers) has a role  to play 
 in ensuring efficient resource allocation. This system of 
 stakeholders also ensures efficient use and delivery of services.
 If the system includes a system that responds to control and information 
 from a remote location, this can only be enabled by a single form of computer network 
. To make and receive phone calls, to stream video 
 over the Internet, on the Internet of Things. A network of 
 computers makes everything easier. 
 The level of complexity of a particular network determines the  level of expertise required to manage and maintain it. For example, if an organization has many nodes with other security controls (e.g. end-to-end encryption), an advanced level of technical administration is required to effectively monitor them.The situation is different with the local network used in the computer room at School 

Components of Networking

A computer network requires a lot of infrastructure to ensure proper operation. Different types of network structures require different parts. 
 These questions are discussed in detail later in this book. 
 A computer network requires a physical network infrastructure, 
 which includes but is not limited to: switches, routers, wireless 
 access  points, etc. There is also an underlying firmware that keeps the 
 infrastructure functioning properly.In addition to the physical systems, the 
  software necessary to monitor, manage and secure the 
 network has also been implemented. Advanced 
 networks require standard  
 protocols designed to perform many different functions. These protocols are also  used to transmit various types of data, regardless of the underlying hardware 
 For example, in a telephone system, Voice over IP (VoIP) 
 can carry IP telephone traffic from one point to another, 
 if these points Support the protocol. This is also similar to Browser 
, where HTTP provides portals to access websites.Furthermore, in an IP-based network,  IP protocols are used to transport data and services, 
 because protocol compatibility exists.

Computer Networking Components Defined

As mentioned earlier, creating a 
a network requires the installation of hardware components. The basic components are cable, hub, switch, 
 network interface card (NIC), modem and router. No cables are required on the  
  wireless network; it is then eliminated. 
 The essential components required for a computer network are: 
 Network Interface Card (NIC) 

 Cables and Connectors 


Computer networks range from simple to complex. However, all make use
of the same essential devices and rules

Network Interface card (NIC) 

This is also known as a network card. This is a device that enables 
 communication between a computer and other devices participating in the 
 network. This feature uses unique 
 hardware addresses  (MAC addresses)  encoded in the card chip. The  
 Data Link Protocol then uses  MAC addresses to detect other systems  on the 
 network and ensure that data is sent in the correct direction. There are two types of 
 network cards: wired and  wireless 
 network  cards.Wired network cards use cables and other connectors to transfer  data. However, a wireless network card uses 
 radio  frequency technology. Modern laptops are equipped with both types of 
 network cards.


It is a computer networking component whose main function is to divide network connections between multiple computers. Hub
is like a distribution center. When a
computer on the network requests information, the application is sent over the cable to the
hub. When the hub receives a command, it is sent throughout the
system. Once this is done, it becomes the responsibility of each computer on the network to decrypt whether the information is intended for it.
The use of hubs in computer networks was once very important. However, it has fallen out of use recently. These are now being replaced by improved His
communications systems for devices such as switches and His


A switch is a communications device that falls into category

and is referred to as a computer network component. The switch essentially replaces the

hub, but has a more advanced system. Unlike the

Center, which sends information to all computers on the network, the

Center itself must identify the owner of the message. The switch uses the address of the physical

device and uses this address to deliver the message to the correct


Deliver directly to the destination or port instead of sending to each computer. Thanks to the switch, a direct connection

exists between the source and the destination. This leads to a significant reduction in processing time. For this reason, today's computer networks connect and process data faster.

Some features are common to both hubs and switches. These are;

multiple RJ-45 ports, a power supply and a link light.

Cables and Connectors

Cables can carry both media and communications. A wired network uses special cables to connect different computers on a particular
There are different connection types.
– Twisted Pair Cable: Divided into various categories. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 5E, 6, 7. The last three types are high-speed cables that transmit data at speeds of 1 Gbps or higher.
– Coaxial Cable: This is an installation cable for televisions. More expensive than twisted pair cable. Therefore,
provides faster data transfer.
- Fiber optic cable: These are high-speed cables that transmit data
with the use of light beams through a glass bound fiber. These cables
are top data transmission portals, especially when compared to the
other cable types. These cables are super-fast. However, they are very
costly. These cables can only be purchased and installed by the


Router is a commonly used term in computer networking, but the concept of what it is is often overlooked. Many people use this and call it
without knowing exactly what it does or how it works.
A router is a device used to connect a local network to the Internet. A
router is a device used to share a single connection
to the Internet with multiple computers on a local network.
Some switches are also present in routers. Today, modern
routers are known for having custom switches. So if you get a router, you don't need to get a switch, especially if your LAN only goes through your home or small business. There are two types of
routers. wired router and wireless router.


Modems are devices which enables the connection of your computer to the
internet over an existing telephone line. Just like the NIC, the modem is not
integrated into the computer`s motherboard. It is a separate device that is
connected to the device once it affixed to a PCI slot on the motherboard.
A modem in its real sense does not necessarily mean a LAN. It merely
connects the computer to the internet. There are different types of modems. The main difference between these types of modems is speed and transmission speed.
I have the following:
– Standard PC Modem or Dial-Up Modem
– Cellular Modem
– Cable Modem
– DSL Modem


In most cases, gateways are mistakenly equated with a router. 
 However, the two units are different. A gateway can be defined as a data  communication device that helps provide a remote network with the ability to connect to a host network. 
gateways are designed to communicate with remote networks or standalone  systems that are out of range of host network nodes. In  simple terms, a gateway can be defined as an entry and exit point to a specific network.All data coming in and out of a given network of 
 computers first interacts with a gateway. This way they can be used for routing. Routers 
  are classified as gateway devices because they are designed  to perform this function in computer networks. 
Computer networks (LAN or WAN)  always have a limited range. Basically, they can easily interact with  other computers in the system.
 Whenever you need to interact with another computer or node in another 
 system, you need a gateway. Routers are specific because they are 
  portals through which a computer network communicates with the Internet. 
 Gateways can be portals to another local network. In addition to forwarding data packets, gateways are also designed to have information about the host network's internal paths and the learning  paths of other networks. If a  network node 
 needs to  communicate with another external network, the data packet 
 must pass  through the gateway

Network bridges

Network bridges are computer networking devices that are designed to create the aggregation of the network from different communication networks. This is a process known as network bridging. This might be confused with routing; however, there are fundamental differences.  Routing as a process involves the communication of different networks, 
communication of separate networks, carried in a manner that depicts singularity.
The term “wireless bridge” is omitted if one or more of the connected networks are wireless. There are three types of network bridging. These include single bridging, multiport bridging  and learning bridging.

while they remain distinct. However, bridging consists of the 

Learning or transparent bridging 

In a transparent or learning bridge, a table called the Forwarding Information Base 
 is used to control  frames between network segments 
. At the start of the network, the tables are empty, but then fill up over time as frames are received. 
 If no destination address is  found in the table, the frame is forwarded 
  to the remaining ports of the bridge. They are flooded by 
 ports other than the one from which they depart. During this 
 flooding  process, a host is created on the target network and then a 
 entry is created in the  forwarding database.
 In order for this process to complete, the source and destination addresses must be known 
. The source address is stored in a table and the table is searched for destination addresses, which are then matched with the corresponding segment sent to  the frame. 
 This system is designed as a kind of  filter. When the target frame 
 is read, the bridge  decides whether its next action is to transmit it or 
 filter  it. The bridge  only transmits data if the destination is on another 
 network segment. However, if the target is in the  same section as the source, it will be filtered out. This filtering process  prevents the date from entering  another segment; it won't matter. 
 This technology was developed  by  Digital 
 Equipment Corporation in 1980. This type of bridging can be used on 
 devices  with more than two ports.

Simple bridging

Simple bridging involves connecting two networks. This 
 connection  is achieved through transparent operation in which the bridge decides, frame by frame, what information should be sent from one system to another. 
 The simple bridging process is made as simple as possible using a storage and transfer 
 During handover, the source network is checked, 
 and  CSMA/CD delays occur in the destination network.  Another effect of this bridge is that  a collision domain is created on both sides of the bridge.This significantly reduces collisions.

Multiport bridging

This type of bridging connects multiple networks and  also works without any problems. This includes determining the frame-by-frame basis on which 
  traffic is transmitted. This system is also needed to determine the destination of Forward 
  traffic. Like simple bridging, a multiport 
 system also uses store-and-forward operations. The 's multi-port bridge function takes on the role of network switching 

Methods of Forwarding

Handoff is the process by which a bridge transmits a data connection from  source to destination for 
 consecutive frames. The bridge can use four forwarding methods: 
 Store and Forward: This method buffers and checks frames before transmission. However, in this case 
 the entire structure is first received and then forwarded to the destination 
 Cut: To perform the cut, the switch starts forwarding 
 frames and immediately obtains the  information about the destination 
. This method is fast but error-free control.
 However, if there is too much traffic on the outgoing port, 
  the store-and-forward method is resorted to. Another 
 case in which a bridge uses the store-and-forward method is when  there is a higher processing speed  at the output port than at the input port. 
 Without Fragmentation: This method is designed to maximize the 
 advantage of  the two originally established methods. This 
 bridge controls the first 64 bytes of the frame. The address information is stored in these first 64 bytes 
.According to the Ethernet 
 specification, collisions should also be detected in this 
 interval. So if a collision occurs in the first 64
 frames, the frame will not be transmitted. The error check is 
 but depends on the end device. 
 Adaptive Switching: This is a more advanced method where the 
  bridge automatically selects one of the above 

Networking Topologies

You may be wondering what network topologies are. It is simply a term that describes a schematic representation of a network. 

 Used to describe different types of node connection. 

 Here you will find an overview of the different ways to connect computers  to a network. 

 Bus Topology 

 In a bus topology, all  computers on the network are connected with a single 

  cable.When this connection is made so that there are only two 

 endpoints,  it is called a linear bus topology. 

 Properties of the bus topology 

 - The bus topology ensures data transmission  in one direction only  


 - All computers are connected to a single cable. 

 Advantages of  Bus Topology 

 - Bus topology as we know it is very convenient 

 - This topology system requires the least amount of cables unlike  the others 


 - This is enough for small networks 

 - A layman can easily understand this system 

 - You can also quickly expand  this network. 


- If a problem occurs in one part of the cable, the entire network 
 is down. 
 - When traffic occurs on the network, the performance of the entire network is reduced. 
 - The resistance of the cable is limited. 
 - This topology is not as speed efficient as the ring topology. 
 Ring Topology 
 As the name suggests, the connection between  computers 
 causes  them to form a ring. The  last  computer in this circle has the number 
 and is therefore connected to the first. Therefore, each computer  
 has two neighbors. 
 Features of Ring Topology 
 – Ring topology uses multiple nodes, repeaters.
 – In this case the transmission is unidirectional. In some cases  it can also be bidirectional, with 2,
 connections  between each node in the network. This is called a double ring topology. 
 – Dual ring topologies create networks with two 
 rings. Here the  data flows in the opposite direction.If one ring fails, the other ring acts as a backup. This way the network doesn't fail, which is different from a bus topology. 
 – A sequential data transfer is  in progress. The data 
 transmitted in this  network passes through each node of the network until it reaches its destination 

 Advantages of ring topology 
 - In this case, heavy traffic does not affect data transmission.This is 
 because  data transfer is only possible on nodes with tokens. 
 – This computer system  is very inexpensive to install. 
 Disadvantages of ring topology. 
 – It's not easy to troubleshoot this computer network. 
 - When it comes to adding or removing computers, network activity 
 is always interrupted 
 - The failure of one computer interrupts the functioning of the entire network


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