Functionality of Wireless Network Chapter 3

Functionality of Wireless Network 

How long do you think it will take before all of our device connections are complete? 

go wireless? Slowly but surely, technological innovations are emerging 

No additional wires are needed to connect two devices. Outside the context of 

network (but certainly using wires), let's take a closer look 

Smartphones today are equipped with wireless charging. It always seems to be like that 

impossible, but now it is. Your phone must be on a device and have power 

during transmission. It's just surreal, but it's technology in action. 

Wireless technology came into existence in the early 90s and over the years 

century, it has gotten better, faster and more reliable. As discussed previously, 

Wired networks still have some advantages over wireless networks. But, 

these edges can be ignored (especially if you can get the job done relatively well 

quickly with wireless technology). 

We have defined wired technology and it has been proven 

Another type of connection besides the wired system is the wireless system. 

system. They are not mutually exclusive. 

What is a wireless network? The name has an allusion, but is it all there? 

That's why? – The connection system does not use wires. 

What exactly is wireless? 

Technically, a wireless system can be defined as a system that uses radio waves 

waves in transmitting signals and data, as opposed to using wires 

and cable. Wireless networks have seen a lot of innovation and 

evolved to function like a phone. To use the phone, you don't 

need to connect to phone line; It is exactly the same as a wireless network. 


You do not need to be mechanically connected to the wireless computer network 

before you can use the network. 

Setting up a wireless network is simple but there are some basic principles 

You must understand

A very common name for wireless networks is WLAN – Wireless local networks. In some cases, people like it 
Use LAWN - Local Area Wireless Network. Wireless network is sometimes incorrectly called Wi-Fi. 
 In fact, Wi-Fi is just a form of wireless network. THE 
Wi-Fi is 802.11b standard. The name of the wireless computer network is SSID. THE 
SSID is the acronym for Service Set Identifier. So for one For a computer to be able to access a particular network, it must have 
The SSID is the same as other computers on the network. This SSID too 
specific to specific computer networks. There may be transmission by a particular network, 
on different channels. To ensure transparent communication 
between several computers on a particular network, they must be 
configured to transmit data on the same channel. A wireless computer network can only have two computers connected using a wireless network adapter. This type of network is okay 
called specially created network. There is also a more complex form of network called 
network in infrastructure mode. There's not much to give network in practice. This is simply a situation in which a group of connected wireless computers and also connected to one 
existing cable network. Connect to a wired network 
 The network is enabled through the use of a wireless access point (WAP). 
With wireless networks, businesses can reduce costs 
Try to run cables into buildings and away. Very 
 The basis of wireless connections is radio waves, which are one 
The implementation takes place at the physical level 
There are four main types of wireless networks (which we'll look at 
in-depth in this book); 


Wireless local area network; connect some device in a certain location without using cables. THE Connection can also be made to the Internet 


Metropolitan area wireless network; Who is Connect multiple LANs

WAN : 

The wireless Wide area network; which is the connection of large areas such as cities and towns


The wireless personal area network; which is an interconnection of devices over a short span, just for a personal
Note this; every connection done without the need for cables (but that has
the cabled alternatives) are referred to as the wireless networks.

Wireless Technology Standards

Wireless technology is just as it sounds. Remember that I said wireless
networks are always wrongly referred to as Wi-Fi and that Wi-Fi is only
one of the different forms of wireless networks. It is just one of the ways
with which a computer can connect to the internet. For the sake of this book
and so you don’t get confused, we will use both terms (Wi-Fi and wireless
networks) interchangeably.
Before we continue, know this, Wi-Fi is simply an acronym for wireless
There are different Wireless Networks (or Wi-Fi) standards out there. The
various devices you own, such as the router, tablet, smartphone, and smart
home devices all have a means with which they connect to the internet. The
Wireless network standards are continually changing, within the space of a
few years. There are always updates, and these updates are what bring
about faster internet, improved connectivity, and seamless handling of
simultaneous connections.
What are wireless network standards? You will ask. These are just a set of
services and protocols that define the functionality of your Wi-Fi network
and other data transmission networks.
There are different types of wireless network standards, and as said, new
versions are released from time to time. You can see these versions as
updates. The most common types nowadays are the IEEE 802.11 wireless
LAN & Mesh.
This particular Wi-Fi standard is always updated every few years. The most
current update is the 802.11ac, while the 802.11ax is just jumping into the
mainstream of wireless connection in the world.

The various forms of the Wireless standards

IEEE 802.11: This standard was created in 1997. However, it has now been 
no longer exists, but when still in use, it delivers fast speeds 
Maximum connection speed reaches megabits per second. Difference 
Devices supporting this Wi-Fi model are no longer in production; So, 
today's devices will not support it. 

IEEE 802.11a: This version was created about 2 years after the original 
operates on the 5GHz band. It was created and the creators hope that it is 
resulting in less interference. This is the school of thought when 
version created because most devices interfere 
Previous versions operated on the 2.4 GHz band. It's just as fast as the original; 
has a speed record reaching 54 Mbps. One thing, this version of 
Wi-Fi standard is lacking, it's a reach as it always has problems with 
devices in its path. 

IEEE 802.11b: This standard was also created in 1999, but this is the 
uses the 2.4 GHz band and can reach maximum speed 
11Mbps. It was this Wi-Fi standard that gave birth to Wi-Fi technology 

IEEE 802.11g: Designed in 2003 and can reach speeds 
54 Mbps operating on the 2.4 GHz band. Then the standard was 
widely accepted because it solves the problem of compatibility with many devices 
and provides high speed. 

IEEE 802.11n: This version of Wi-Fi was created in 2009, but it has been 
not as widely used as its predecessors. It can operate on both 2.4 GHz 
and the 5GHz band. It also supports usage across different channels. ONE 
Each channel can achieve speeds of about 150 Mbps, therefore 
cumulative 600 Mbps. 

IEEE 802.11ac: This is the latest version on new devices. That is 
 was released in 2014 and thanks to its technology all devices connected to it can 
reaching speeds of 1300 mpbs. This is not the only feature in this update; He 
also features MU-MIMO support, along with additional Wi-Fi broadcasts

channels for the 5 GHz band. With a single router, this standard can support
more antennas than the previous ones.
IEEE 802.11ax : This is the most recent standard. With this standard, the
connection speed is possible up to the tune of 10Gbps. That's how far it can
go, and works are on to make it go beyond. The capacity is also more than
that of the ac, as it designed to add more broadcast sub-channels, and
upgrade of the MU-MIMO, as well as allowing for simultaneous streams of
Over the years, Wi-Fi standards have only gotten better, and we are bound
to see more. Connections on wireless networks are secured to get faster, and
the advent of 5G will ensure this. 4G offered streams of data, more rapid
than was experienced with the 3G, but 5G is going to be even faster and
more reliable. The use of 5G transcends just connections to the internet; it's
going to be the basic framework of wireless networking in the whole world,
a total revolution of the way we have devices connected.
The various standards of Wi-Fi, especially the latest versions, have been
compared to the Ethernet connections concerning speed. The 802.11n
which can achieve a combined 600Mbps when compared to the Ethernet
speed of 100Mbps seems faster. However, it isn't just about the number;
when it comes to real-life usage, the Ethernet connection is bound to outdo
the 802.11n.
One thing is sure, though, development of the Wi-Fi is constant, and it
follows closely as technology improves across the world.
Before we move on, did you wonder why the 100Mbps of the Ethernet
connection will outdo the 600Mbps of the 802.11n? Well, this is because
some factors limit Wi-Fi connections. These are; network protocol
overhead, radio interference, physical obstruction between devices, and
distance between the devices. All these problems are eliminated with the
use of wired connections.
Also, when several devices join on the wireless connection, there is a
decrease in performance. This decrease in performance results from
limitations on the bandwidth and the hardware supporting the network.
These are the significant reasons why wireless networks still aren't as
perfect as the wired connections. Of course, this is solely in terms of speed.

Wireless Interference

Do you know what wireless interference means? Just by terminology, 
you already know what that means and with all that being said 
talked about in this book, you probably already know what it can do. However, 
You need to know all the causes of wireless interference to avoid them 
Wireless interference is defined as a situation in which the Wi-Fi signal suffers 
interrupted on its journey into space. This is an important cause leading to inconsistency 
and wireless connections are unreliable in today's world. If all this were possible 
removed, a wireless connection will technically perform better than a wired connection 
Connect. The problem is how to eliminate them (causes)? Surname 
cannot. The best way to solve this problem is to create a system that works 
good despite the obstacles. 
There are many causes of wireless interference, including: 

With the appearance of high-rise buildings and other structures here and there, there are 
the increase in interference that wireless connections face. THE 
 The materials used in these constructions cause interference because they absorb or 
Reflecting radio waves creates a signal. 
For example, if metal, concrete and ceramics are used in the structure of the building 
constructed, they can damage the waves passing through them. Therefore, he 
It is best to remove them if we want the network to remain in an optimal state. 
There are some cases where it is necessary to determine the cause of interference. 
relatively difficult to do. Did you know lead paint is used on house walls? 
Can some buildings cause wireless interference? Yes, he can. However, he 
 it can be difficult to identify or do anything about it. Regardless of thinness or thickness 
If the lead layer is thick, it can cause this interference phenomenon. 

Electric devices 
Most electronic devices also have radio waves. These waves 
most often, at the same frequency as that of the wireless network 
routers and other access points. At the same frequency there should be 
There must be interference between the two waves and that is not good.
For instance, if you are in the kitchen, and your phone is connected to the
home's router. When the microwave which also has its frequency is on,
interference may occur. It is best to keep these two wave-emitting sources
away from each other.

External factors
Other external factors can result in interference. These include; construction
or utility industries. In many other cases, power lines can also cause
interference with Wi-Fi signals. Broadcast television or cameras can also
cause interference.
On construction sites, overhead cranes or scaffolding are also known to
result in wireless network interference.
It might sound funny, but trees that have broad leaves are also known to
cause signal interference. This is because the water degrades the signal that
the plant contains.

This is another factor that is considered to be a major cause of network
interference. In this case, wireless network signals are doused as they travel
a longer distance. The farther the signal travels, the weaker it becomes. This
is as a result of attenuation. Attenuation is a process in which there is a
reduction in signal strength throughout a travel.
Wi-Fi signals are known to travel better in the air than they do in solid
materials, but with longer distances, they tend to lose their strength. By the
time they get to the destination, there is bound to be interference. The only
way to eliminate attenuation that results from a distance is to make sure the
connected devices are always within just 30 meters of the signal source.
All these factors are confirmed to result in interference, as well as do many
other factors. You can see that the probability of eliminating all these
obstacles is very low. Hence, wireless network interference will only

Data Security

This is another aspect of the wireless network that needs proper and critical
consideration. Security is a big issue when it comes to wireless connections,
and any enterprise ready to set up a wireless network should be prepared to
invest so much in the security of data.
Data security as a concept refers to the various measure put in place to
ensure that digital privacy is guaranteed, in the bid to restraining
unauthorized access to computers, databases, and websites. These measures
also function in the prevention of data from being corrupted. Irrespective of
the organization's type or size, data security is critical.
Brief examples of the measure that can be taken in this light are; backup,
data masking, and data erasure. One critical measure that is held in very
high esteem is encryption. In the case of encryption, digital data,
software/hardware, and other devices are encrypted. This measure renders
the content therein on these devices and platforms unreadable to
unauthorized users and hackers.
Another method of data security is authentication. This requires authorized
users to provide a password, code, biometric data, or some other forms of
data. These are needed in a bid to verify identity before accessing a secured
system containing data.
These digital security measures are not only needed for enterprises and big
companies. They are also of immense importance for health care records.
Given this, health institutions are beefing up security and making their
systems less vulnerable to intruders.
The importance of data security cannot be overemphasized. To an extent,
every business needs it to stay ahead of the competition and keep profit
margins high. Right from the banking sector that deals with volumes of
personal and financial information, too small businesses that have contact
details of customers at hand. You need security on your phone.
Don't you know why you need to secure your data on the phone? If you are
one that makes use of Google Chrome, and you have all your passwords
saved with Google's "Remember Password," you need it. Your Google
account is probably logged in on your chrome to enjoy a more personalized
browsing experience. In the settings page, all your saved passwords to the
different websites are saved and can be easily viewed.
Hence, if a third party can quickly gain access to your phone, this data is at
risk of being thrown to the public. The third-party might use these details to
commit fraudulent activities in your name.
All data collected by an organization needs to be secured, and this is the
primary purpose of data security. Whatever form of technology, or device
that is used to store the information, it must be protected. Either it is a big
firm or a micro-business, once there is a consumer data breach, it can lead
to huge fines and litigation cases, just as big tech companies like Facebook
and Google have been faced with in recent times. More than it was before,
the security of data is now paramount, and big companies are investing so
much into this.

Types of Data Security explained
There are various types of data security being used at different levels of
data entry and output. The need for measures at different stages is to ensure
that data breach becomes more difficult. Most often than not, the threat
faced by companies is always of external sources. Here are some measures
of securing data;
Data encryption: This is a security measure in which code is
being applied to every data string, causing access to the data to
be restricted, until an authorized key is used.
Data masking: This is another way from barring the third party
from data. In this case, specific parts of data are masked; hence,
both unauthorized external and internal parties cannot have
access. Popular examples of data masking are where the first 12
digits of a credit card number are not displayed. Or when trying
to recover Google account, the first 9 or 10 digits are not
displayed, just so the system can be ascertained that the
authorized user is the one trying to access the system.
Data erasure: This is a data security measure employed when
one has no use for particular data anymore. This measure causes
the data to be erased from every system. An example is when
you are trying to unsubscribe from a mailing list. By clicking the
link, your detail is removed instantly and permanently from the
Data resilience: This is a measure in which organizations create
copies of particular data, such that when one copy is lost, it can
be recovered from the cloned copy.

Compliance and Standards of Data Security

Platforms and organizations that collect data are known as data processors.
This is an enormous responsibility for such an organization. There are
different rules and regulations that guide how the data can be used. This
regulation covers all data, irrespective of its type or size.
However, different industries field different regulations. The regulations in
the tech industry are somewhat different from those in the finance industry.
The rules sometimes are also influenced by location. For instance,
companies dealing with citizens of the European Union might be faced with
GDPR in the case where there is a data breach.
Fines are popular ways in which companies and enterprises that fall short of
data breach regulations are punished.

Firewalls defined

The term firewall is one that flies around in the IT eco-space, and if you are
entirely new to the system, you might wonder what it is, what it does, and
how it works. Well, here it is.
Firewalls are network security devices that are designed to monitor both
outgoing and incoming network traffic. It also doubles in functioning as a
block and permission to data packets, with all its actions based on particular
security rules.
The primary purpose of the firewall is to make sure that there is the
presence of a barrier, right in between your internal network system and the
external traffic of data coming from foreign network sources. For instance,
if your company manages a LAN, any data that is to go into the LAN from
another source will first have to go through the firewall. This way, vibrated
and malicious data traffic can be identified and blocked.

How does the firewall work? 

The operation of the firewall is very simple. It analyzes incoming traffic, 
by comparing them with a set of pre-set rules assigned to it and 
Block all data that does not respond to instructions. Firewall is 
always located at the gateway, which is the entry point to the network. To be 
port where information is exchanged with external devices. An example of 
which is "Source address is allowed to access via port 
A mistake? Here's another analogy. Think of your IP address as one 
house, gate numbers are rooms in the house. House 
(destination) can only be accessed by trusted people (source address). 
Then additional filtering is performed and only specific people are allowed to participate. 
specific room of the house. The room in this case is the destination 
gate. It all depends on the type of data coming in. Some data is possible 
access any port, while others can only be allowed through one port. 
Types of firewalls 
Now that you know what a firewall is for, the question arises 
“How many guys are there?” There are different types of firewalls. 
They can be software or hardware. It all depends on what you want in 
organization. It's best to leave both systems working in 
With firewall software, there are settings on each linked computer 
Online. Once installed, it regulates all traffic passing through the port 
numbers and applications For physical firewalls, there is an installation section 
of a device between the network and the gateway. 
Packet filtering firewalls are divided into two main types, which are: 
To be; stateless and stateless. A stateless firewall is a firewall that performs cross-checking 
 packages are exclusive from other packages and have no context in them 
check. This way, they can quickly identify hackers and other evils. Give 
Firewalls are stateful, they remember information about what other packets have 
has been tested and marked as safe. 
Both types of firewalls are somewhat useful; however, they simply are 
provides the necessary protection and has limitations. One of those limitations is 
they cannot determine whether the content of the request was delivered or not
will have a negative impact on destination demand. In case 
virus comes from a trusted source, these types of firewalls will never 
know. However, the good news is that there are advanced firewalls that will never go offline. 
remember the phone.
Next-generation firewalls (NGFW): These are firewalls that are
a combination of both traditional firewall technology and some
other functions like encrypted traffic inspection, intrusion
prevention systems, anti-virus, and many more. One primary
function that is found in the next-generation firewall is the "deep
packet inspection" (DPI). The essential firewalls discussed
earlier will only search through the packets' headers, these go
beyond to inspect the data contained in the packet. This enables
users to easily identify, categorize, and obstruct packets that are
Proxy firewalls: This functions by filtering network traffic at the
application level. However, unlike the necessary firewalls, it acts
as an intermediary between two end systems. In this case, there
must be a request from the client to the firewall. This request is
then evaluated and compared against set security instruction. The
result of this cross-check determines if the packet is blocked or
In most cases, the proxy firewalls are employed to monitor traffic for
layer 7 protocols such as HTTP and FTP. This system of firewall also
makes use of both the deep pocket inspection and the stateful
Network address translation firewalls (NAT): This allows
several devices that have independent network addresses to
communicate and connect to the internet while making use of
just one IP address. This way, the individual IP address of the
computers are hidden. Due to this, hackers can't capture specific
details of a particular computer. This is a step further at ensuring
the security of systems on a network.
The NAT firewalls have close similarities to the proxy firewalls. They
are somewhat an intermediary between a network of computer and
outside traffic.

Stateful multilayer inspection (SMLI) firewalls:

This firewall 
The system is designed to perform packet filtering at the level 
network layer, transport layer and application layer. At the filtering stage, 
it compares them with trusted packets before making a decision 
DO. Like NGFW firewalls, they perform scanning 
of the entire package at each layer, before passing through or 
block them. 
This study aims to determine the state of communication 
 is provided, so only connections to trusted sources are available 
Wireless is the future and there is much work to be done to ensure that 
they are efficient and allow real-time communication. With data 
packages of digital entities such as games, movies, audio, etc. improvement 
To get better resolution and better quality, the 
support system to follow. Make sure the wireless network can provide uninterrupted data transmission 
because wired connection is still a long way off. This, 
along with the need for security, are issues that 
wireless network. Research, innovation and system development are 
continuously continuously to ensure improvement and we can only be sure of that 


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